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pink houses on a blue background, JS logo
tools & software
5 Reasons why to choose Node.js
In today's world, web-based information systems are a critical cornerstone for many businesses. Node.js, based on JavaScript, has rightfully become the most popular framework for web applications as of 2024. In this article, we highlight five key reasons why Node.js is an excellent choice for developing information systems.
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Managing software development
The new functionalities of the Information System of the Labour Inspectorate make it easier for employers to communicate with the state
The Labour Inspectorate is a government agency that strives towards creating a good work environment for every Estonian employee. Since 2019, Trinidad Wiseman has been a development partner for the Information System of the Labour Inspectorate (TEIS) which plays a crucial role in achieving that goal.
Different types of people gathered around a shared table, joined by a robot.
Atlassian solutions
Atlassian Intelligence, Rovo and more – let’s see what’s new on Atlassian Cloud
Atlassian envisions its cloud solution as a collaboration platform that, in addition to software development and customer support solutions, would support all departments and processes across an organization. With generative AI-powered tools like Atlassian Intelligence, Rovo, and Loom, teams can manage projects more efficiently and exchange information more seamlessly. Let's take a closer look at how AI-based innovations enhance Atlassian's cloud landscape.
A human and a robot shake hands.
Technology and solutions
How can companies benefit from machine-learning projects?
Artificial intelligence has quickly made its way into our daily services, making companies wonder how to best make use of this new technology in their own business. Sometimes, people may have the erroneous idea that artificial intelligence is some sort of mystical black box that sits in the corner of an office, eats business problems for lunch, and then provides fully thought through solutions in return. Let us now take a closer look at the most popular use cases for machine-learning.
graph image
UX/UI Design
The role of service design when bringing a new product to market based on the example of SEB’s micro-investments
For a beginner investor, the amount of information and options can be overwhelming, especially since the price of making mistakes is quite high. Still, one should not be robbed of the opportunity to invest in their future simply because they do not understand all the complex details involved in the field. We will talk about how together with SEB Bank’s UX design team we designed a new investment product – micro-investments, which enables users to easily and conveniently invest in global ETFs.
Olgina Community Centre building
User and user-centered design
Mapping customer needs to support the development of a new concept and the renovation of the Olgina Community House
Sometimes public services don’t fully align with the actual needs of their users. Have you considered how this impacts community satisfaction and development? In collaboration with the Narva-Jõesuu local government, we engaged the small town of Olgina to redesign services based on the community’s wishes and needs. In this article, you can learn more about how the services at the Olgina Community Centre were revitalised.
Illustration of people performing cleanup tasks in Jira.
Atlassian solutions
Is your company’s Jira not fulfilling business needs and resulting in user dissatisfaction? Here are four potential issues and their solutions.
Poorly managed Jira can quickly turn into software that users are reluctant to use, offering outdated information and failing to meet business objectives. In this blog post, we outline 4 reasons why your Jira’s performance and usability might be suffering, along with suggestions to help you manage Jira in a sustainable way.
illustration of climbing a mountain, i.e. the process of prototyping
User and user-centered design
From an idea to a working solution: the importance of prototyping in development projects
Prototyping has become a crucial tool in today’s software development world. It is an efficient method for visualising and testing solutions before actual devel-opment begins. In this post, we will take a closer look at how user interface pro-totyping can help decrease development costs, make teamwork more efficient, and how it can help us get from an initial idea to a working solution.
A wizard with cards in his hands with the inscriptions Scrum, Kanban and Scrumban
Managing software development
Which agile development framework to choose AKA from Scrum to Scrumban
There are various frameworks that use this mindset in the agile world. The most popular ones are Scrum, Kanban, and their hybrid form Scrumban. Each framework has its own approach that is suitable for realising different kinds of projects based on their nature. In this post, we will describe the three most popular frameworks and their properties to help you make the best decision for your project.
UX maturity levels
User and user-centered design
Climbing the UX Maturity Ladder with Users: How to Get on the Path to Enhanced User Experience
In the fast-paced digital world, the success of any product or service hinges on how well it meets user needs. The focus on user experience (UX) is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a critical component of a successful business strategy. This article explores the concept of UX maturity, the stages involved, and the importance of building UX capacity to climb this maturity ladder.
Illustration with Invaru's and Confluence logos that via connect as intranet via different elements. Main colours: green and blue.
Atlassian solutions
How we implemented an intranet at Invaru, a company providing assistive devices
An intranet is a platform that facilitates the management and sharing of information. In this article, we share the story of how an intranet was implemented at Invaru, a company that provides assistive devices in Estonia. We’ll reveal the reasons why Invaru needed an intranet, how the implementation unfolded, and the value users find in the solution today. Additionally, you'll find recommendations from the Invaru team for companies considering the launch of their own intranet.
two pairs of hands that control the information movement: one pair of hands is a state, the other is a company
Business and services
How does relevant data-based reporting simplify the lives of entrepreneurs?
The digital communication between the state and entrepreneurs has not reached such state of harmony yet in every field. For entrepreneurs, reporting to the state can be a complicated and time-consuming process. In this blog post, we will discuss how the administrative load of entrepreneurs could be decreased, data quality increased, and data collection processes optimised to make reporting to the state more efficient and easier.
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