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Does your digital environment meet accessibility requirements in force from June?

Accessibility is an increasingly important topic. Public sector websites and mobile applications have had to meet the European Union digital accessibility standard EN 301 549 since 2019. These requirements have not yet been enforced for the private sector. However, the situation is changing, as by 2025 many private sector companies will have to take a critical look at their online environments. Read more in this article.

WCAG 2.2 and new success criteria

Last October, the long-awaited version 2.2 of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines became the official W3C recommendation. Today we will give an overview of what’s new and how it will impact us. Although WCAG 3.0 (which is promised to cover more user needs, be more flexible in terms of different technologies, tools and content, as well as easier to understand) is also being developed, it will still take years before it will become an official recommendation.