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Updating the Existing System: the Case of Tourism Information System 2.0

Recently, the brand new website went live. In our blog, we discuss the example of updating the Visit Estonia website and its content management system, exploring what it means to create a new version from an existing solution and how to tackle potential challenges. The goal of the project was to create a new user-friendly environment that aligns with the organization's expectations.

Making you a Service Designer in 5 Weeks: Trinidad Wiseman's Approach to Cultivating Design Skills in Estonia

Why do we recommend service design training for both designers and non-designers? Find out in our new article. We share success stories from our clients: the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Enterprise Estonia (EAS). Discover the 6 main benefits that can be effectively applied in design and other fields. We're delighted that last year we helped train over 400 people to be more aware of service design.

Can a Time-Critical Information System Provide an Empathetic Customer Experience: The Emergency Response Centre's SOS Case Study

Working in collaboration with the Emergency Response Centre and the Ministry of the Interior's IT and Development Centre (SMIT), we contributed to improving the workflows of rescue coordinators and logisticians. The primary measure of a rescue coordinator's work is speed – the rapid delivery of help to those in need. However, this can occasionally lead to a poor customer experience.

Service Plan - Visualizing Processes for Better Customer Experience

You might have heard of the "customer journey" as a design method, but the concept of a "service blueprint" might still be new to some. Designing an excellent customer journey is crucial, but if an organization can't function smoothly in delivering its services, then a great customer experience can't be sustained for long. Mapping a service blueprint is a method that helps integrate service usage and delivery into a cohesive whole, being a key tool in service design.

WCAG 2.2 and new success criteria

Last October, the long-awaited version 2.2 of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines became the official W3C recommendation. Today we will give an overview of what’s new and how it will impact us. Although WCAG 3.0 (which is promised to cover more user needs, be more flexible in terms of different technologies, tools and content, as well as easier to understand) is also being developed, it will still take years before it will become an official recommendation.

Does your digital environment meet accessibility requirements in force from 2025?

Accessible digital environments are independently usable by as many people as possible. An accessible digital environment is designed and developed in such a way that its texts can be read also by the elderly, layout and functions are understandable also to first-time users, and the page is usable for people with special needs and various assistive technologies (navigable with keyboard, screen readers, voice commands, eye sensors) etc.