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TWN Life: Founder and CEO of Intelex Insight: "Thanks to my internship at Narva Kreenholm, I realized that business analytics is my field."

In the TWNLife blog series, we have the opportunity to acquaint ourselves with the talented team members of Trinidad Wiseman in various roles. This time, I had the pleasure of inviting Kaur Kivirähki, the founder and CEO of our affiliate company, Intelex Insight, for an interview to discuss his career and hobbies. As per tradition, I also posed some fun, intriguing questions :)

Trinidad Wiseman's office is where work and play come together, creating a vibrant environment for both productivity and relaxation

Smart companies know that modern offices need to be more than just workspaces since there's no need to come to the office solely for work. When planning our office, we carefully gathered suggestions and feedback to capture important details for everyone working here. Today, we want to introduce the newest and most versatile addition to our office space: Brainery+Spacebar.