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The role of testing in the development process 

In some software projects, testing is often overlooked, based on the assumption that developers can handle it themselves or that end-users will report any issues. However, a developer is not a tester – just as a chef is not an independent critic of their own dishes. When testing is done by someone too closely involved with the solution, critical issues may go unnoticed. Moreover, users typically do not report bugs – they simply stop using the software. In this article, we explain why an independent tester plays a critical role in software development.

Which agile development framework to choose AKA from Scrum to Scrumban

There are various frameworks that use this mindset in the agile world. The most popular ones are Scrum, Kanban, and their hybrid form Scrumban. Each framework has its own approach that is suitable for realising different kinds of projects based on their nature. In this post, we will describe the three most popular frameworks and their properties to help you make the best decision for your project.

Organisational Development for Successful Digital Transformations – a Perspective Based on Key Capabilities.

Do you know your business well but have less knowledge about IT development? Our new blog article will help you understand the organisational structure that ensures successful IT development. Kaarel Koosapoeg, our analysis and service design team leader, shares his insights and practical tips. Read more and discover how to take your IT projects to the next level.

What is a Scrum Master certificate and how can you get one?

Have you ever wondered how to get a Scrum Master or agile project manager certificate? Maybe you've heard about the Scrum framework and its importance in today's project management and want to step up to improve your skills and advance your career. At Trinidad Wiseman, many specialists have acquired the Scrum Master certificate. We'll introduce you to the world of Scrum certification and describe the different ways and opportunities to get it.