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User and user-centered design
The broad field of analysis
One can analyse everything – data, things, processes, events etc. Depending on what is being analysed, the correct methodologies will be used. Without a thorough preparation, the analysis will not usually be successful. Every analysis should be done systematically. Analysis could, therefore, be defined as dividing the whole into connected pieces.
User and user-centered design
Service Design and the Role of User Journey
Services are everywhere around us. Every day we use public transport, go to cafés, use postal services etc. The services are created to satisfy the needs of people and are targeted for certain people who need these services.
User and user-centered design
Prototyping: better communication and smaller expenses
In 2007, when Steve Jobs introduced the first-ever iPhone, he seamlessly used many different iPhone models (prototypes) in his presentation. The reason for that was simple: a single one of these iPhone could not perform every task and was not able to contain every single function of an actual iPhone.
User and user-centered design
Animation as a tool: why and how to use it?
Making the website’s visuals move is nothing new. Some time ago, people had to install Adobe Flash plug-ins to make the animations work.
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User and user-centered design
How to measure usability? (Part I)

There are various ways to measure usability. The most common methods include carrying out user surveys and/or polls, conducting user tests and measuring user statistics. Each method has its own important role and appropriate time in the process of measuring usability and product development as a whole. First of all, you should determine the purpose of measuring as it helps to choose the appropriate method or combination of methods.


What are usability metrics? 


 User experience design project manager driving his team in a car
User and user-centered design
The cornerstones of a good UX project are a methodical approach and teamwork

One of the biggest dangers of user experience design projects is performing various tasks in isolation. In this way, the universal user experience can become the vision of a single UX designer and may not meet the expectations and needs of users.


A methodical approach and active team cooperation help to counter this. A properly executed UX process is methodical. This means that it uses a wide range of techniques, which in turn are structured and implemented according to a specific system and sequence.


Tarkuse- ja hingerännak
User and user-centered design
UX - smiling users

Making websites could be a hobby like any other hobby, and usually so much more. The process has everything that a hobby should have – it relieves stress, gives pleasure from the results, is challenging, interesting, and most importantly, creative and active.


PET-design bear is hugging UX and Graphical Design
User and user-centered design
Persuasion through design
Through using UX (User Experience) we can make websites that are easy to use, straightforward, and logical. Well implemented UX also helps users to take the necessary steps towards completing their goals. But putting effort only into developing perfect UX solutions is not enough.
Cat looking at his shadow
User and user-centered design
How do usability statistics supplement usability testing?
Various data that can be collected using different research methods can be used to improve the user experience. The different data, in turn, can be combined and used to complement each other. In this specific article, we take a closer look at two types of data: usage statistics ...
illustration of paper planes
User and user-centered design
User interface prototyping – 14 tips for doing it better
In this article, we will describe the principles of user interface prototyping and the methods used for it. We will also provide 14 suggestions for improving your prototyping process.
vebsite testing by Darja
User and user-centered design
10 mistakes to avoid when conducting website usability testing
If you are already aware of the mistakes to avoid when preparing a website usability test, it would be a good time to know how to perform all the tests successfully and to identify a sufficient number of usability problems and their causes on the existing website
prototybe testing
User and user-centered design
Do not overtake anyone in a blind curve aka testing a prototype
Prototypes are the first draft towards the final product. Proper testing is subject to the same principles as the hopscotch game, where the player must jump through each space to successfully reach the end. In this post, I talk about the importance of testing a prototype.
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