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User and user-centered design
The Short Way To a Perfect Game – Oleg Pridiuk, Unity
Oleg Pridiuk from Unity shared some genius insights on what makes a good game a blazing success story and a perfect game.
User and user-centered design
The Psychology of Gamification – Edvin Aedma, University of Tartu
The psychology of gamification explained in a simple way. Read more and you will also find some highly useful tips on game design. Come on, click me!
User and user-centered design
Stickiness Forever: Game Mechanics - Julian Migura, BoaCompra
Julian Migura from BoaCompra shared us some interesting points about game mechanics at the Intergame 2013 game conference.
Business and services
Post Mortem Imperia Online – Very Alive! Dobroslav Dimitrov, Imperia Online
The evolution of Imperia Online can be divided into several different eras. Lets take a look at the key decisions which lead to it becoming the game it is today.
Business and services
How To Use Crowdfunding as a Combined Funding and Marketing Campaign – Lasse Mäkelä, Invesdor

The benefits of crowdfunding in a nutshell

  • Full control of the process and investor selection
  • More time to develop the business
  • Less red tape
  • Motivated shareholders
  • Direct feedback
  • Opportunity to combine the marketing and fund raising processes
Business and services
How to pitch to publishers – Hendrik Lesser, Remote Control Production
Hendrik Lesser gave one of the best presentations of the conference. Funny, cruel and worth the read. How to pitch 101. And not just to publishers
Business and services
“How To Make Yourself Attractive To an Investor Or a Publisher”, Lauri Antalainen, Gamefounders
Lauri Antalainen from Gamefounders shared their experience at the Intergame 2013 game conference. He gave a short talk about how to make yourself attractive to an investor or a publisher.
News archive
Best User Experience and Information Architecture Blogs of 2012!
Hi, UX enthusiasts! I have put together a list of the best user experience and information architecture blogs of and resources available on the web! Each and every one of them is worth visiting and some are real gems in the ever-changing world of UX.
News archive
Brace yourselves, pictures from WUD 2012 are coming

Hi guys, just a quick update here. We have now refreshed all the previous blog posts and added some extra details to them. There are also a number of interviews coming, so stay tuned, leave a comment and subscribe to our Facebook page for further updates. You can also find pictures from the event from there. 


User and user-centered design
Neuro UX: Smoke and Mirrors or the Future of User Experience Research? Aga Bojko, Associate Director, User Centric Inc.
Aga is known worldwide as one of the leading eye tracking specialists. Today she will share her thoughts on neuro UX and the future of UX design.
News archive
WUD is coming! And so is our live blog!

The annual Pan-Baltic World Usability conference will be held already tomorrow! Make sure to follow this blog in order to get quick updates on what`s going on at the event!


User and user-centered design
Keynote: "Persuasion, Emotion and Trust in Online Banking", Chris Lock, Executive Director, Human Factors International (UK)
Chris has worked in human factors, UX and related people-centered disciplines since the early 1980’s. Both as a consultant, in academia and as an co-owner of Australia’s biggest specialized UX agency. Now, he is involved with Human Factors International, one of the largest companies in the usability industry
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