Keynote: "Persuasion, Emotion and Trust in Online Banking", Chris Lock, Executive Director, Human Factors International (UK)
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Chris has worked in human factors, UX and related people-centered disciplines since the early 1980’s. Both as a consultant, in academia and as an co-owner of Australia’s biggest specialized UX agency. Now, he is involved with Human Factors International, one of the largest companies in the usability industry. As the title says, he will be talking about PET design and how plays out in online banking! Stay tuned!
Chris is on the stage!
Impressed by the 4 different companies who are organizing the event. He begins by talking about the mission of Human Factors International, which is to bridge the gap between the academia and the business world.
So what is PET? How does it relate to usability?
Usability is about:
- effectiveness
- ease of learning
- efficiency of use
- memorability
- error prevention
- satisfaction
However, the most important of them all, according to Chris, is satisfaction. But there is just much more to it.
He explains it with a simple mouse test.
If a mouse stands on the grid, it feels pain. How much does the mouse get persuaded by the cheese in front of it? “It`s difficult, so maybe I won`t be able to”, is what goes inside the head of little bugger. It eventually becomes persuaded and overcomes the fear of the electric shock
It`s a fun way to introduce some persuasion tools in a way that everybody can understand.
Well, maybe not so fun for the mouse in question.
Chris is now showing a before and after pic of an health awareness website.
People are motivated to make progress and it will make people more likely to actually change.
Chris is showing a pic of a guy on the couch, who is lifting weights with one hand and on the other side a guy who is… a couch potato. You can change your habits, but will you? You must be persuaded to.
Components of PET
- Persuasion - the process of guiding people toward the adoption of an idea by rational and symbolic means. People are often not even aware that they are being subtly persuaded.
- Emotion - a mental and psychological state associated with a wide variety of feelings and behaviors.
- Trust - confidence in or reliance on some person or organization. There are key design things you can do to appear trustworthy. You can undermine trust very easily, so be careful with it.
Will do means persuasion design, while can do meansperformance design.
We should be looking at both aspects when creating things
The business of persuading people is nothing new. Chris is showing propaganda and advertisiment pics from different eras and now we also have a better microphone! Finally!
Some objectives of the primary PET objectives:
- move existing customers to online banking
- cross-sell new products and services
- up-sell
- get new customers
- increase account activity
Business benefits:
- save the huge expense of running branches
- generate new revenue streams from existing customers
- increase revenue from existing customers
We need to understand DRIVES and BLOCKS
- practicalities of treatment
- I`m being manipulated
- fear of vaccination
- protection from physical risk
- curiosity to learn more
- reduce effort and pain vaccination
Once you understand what they are, you can think about how to assemble the required PET tools that let you achieve the goal you have chosen.
You need to support design and try to get rid of things that are getting on the way.
Compelling personas are the key. Personas are imaginary characters that bring individuals to life. Everybody can understand what you are talking about if you use personas in your examples.
With PET you are much more interested of the emotions of the individual and combining it with standard personas used in usability will probably give you the best outcome.
Some elements of PET include:
- Social proof - “32 000 customers have benefited from this product”
- Reciprocation – “We have provided you with 1000 reward points, we`re hoping you`ll help us know you better by completing this brief form”
- Social learning or testimonials – just look at Amazon or
PET designs require attention to detail at the content level.
It requires different visceral ways of looking at things:
- Viscerally negative – people might say this scary, but brave at the same time
- Viscerally positive – smooth, rounded and symmetrical objects and people
Overall, people hate to be manipulated, so you need to be subtle when using persuasion techniques.
Don`t give people too many choices! They will walk away from a choice when being overwhelmed with options
Extrinsic reward always tends to kill the intrinsic reward!
To really achieve business goals we need to attend to both the can do and will do aspects of what makes a design great.
To conclude, PET provides:
- a fundamentally strong methodology
- a set of researched and proven tools that work
- a language and terminology by which we can articulate what we are doing