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Eva Salumäe portrait

TWN Life: our Head of Digital Transformation: "Ever since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed systematizing and organizing things. In my spare time, I love to play sports and practice my hand as an interior designer."

Sigrid Viikmaa & Eva Salumäe

We continue with the TWNLife blog series, where we get to know the talented team members of Trinidad Wiseman (TWN) in various roles. This time, we talked with Eva, our Head of Digital Transformation, about her career, hobbies, and experience before TWN. We also asked fun questions with a twist.


How did you become Head of Digital Transformation, and how did you end up at TWN?

Ever since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed systematizing and organizing things, which are also essential skills in the area manager role. For example, as kids, we never played Chinese rope jump in shifts; instead, I always got bigger boys to stand inside the rubber band :)


I came to TWN at just the right moment - when I had reached a point in my career where the role of team leader had exhausted itself, and I was looking for a new challenge. The TWN's Head of Digital Transformation duties were a good match for my expectations, and TWN's culture and values align with mine. In addition, I enjoy working in a company that is not too big because the sense of community is very important to me.


Eva mägedes


What do you think are the values of TWN and how does TWN differ from other companies?

I consider our greatest values to be a pleasant work environment and a professional attitude towards the needs of our customers. What sets us apart the most from other companies is our culture of freedom and responsibility, as well as a thrifty, supportive, helpful team that inspires each other in every way.



“Changes made in small steps have a positive effect on people. I like the process, but the results are more inspiring to me.“ 

What could be the next change in TWN, and how to implement it?

We do something every day that looks like a big change in retrospect. In other words, we systematically treat all processes and constantly learn and change something that gives a significant effect after some time.


We implement all changes in small steps, and I love to see how we achieve positive results and our people are happy with this approach. Making big changes all at once would have the opposite effect.


What was your first job, and how much did you get paid? And where and who did you work before joining TWN?

My first job will remain in my memory for the rest of my life. During the summer break from 7th grade, I was hoeing beets. The salary was paid in the form of a beautiful blue Saljut bike, which I still have in my parents' basement :)


I have worked in IT companies for over 20 years - the last 15 years before TWN as a team leader and before that 5 years as a project manager.



“I can't live in one place for long because I'm a big fan of interior design, and I want to try my hand at it from time to time.”

What are your hobbies, and do you have any hidden talents?

I love biking, running, hiking, snowboarding, and skiing. I also love good food, which is why I am well-informed about what is happening in the Estonian restaurant scene. I also like to read - especially anything about management psychology.


Eva XDreamil


In the last year, every weekend, I have headed east - to Lahemaa, to our family's summer house. Being able to do this has been a dream of mine for 10+ years.


I also have a hidden talent, and that is interior design. I have always designed all my homes, which is why I have not lived in one place for a very long time. I want to try my hand at the design again :)


Where would you recommend your colleagues to travel, and what kind of music gets your hips moving?

The Latin American vibe has left an indelible impression on me, especially Columbia. There, I often felt that pure, unspoiled authenticity is becoming a rarity in an increasingly globalized world. Hips always start moving with bachata sounds :)


Who is your spirit animal and what is your most memorable meeting with a celebrity?

Admittedly, I'm not that far in my life's travels yet, but I like the common cranes' call. Speaking of celebrities, I once got to fly back from Odessa with Navitrolla, and those were some very educational and interesting talks.


What's the best advice you've ever heard?

"Think first, then speak. What has been said can never be taken back, and apologies will not help here."


Eva matkamas