TWN Life: our versatile software developer Taavi Kirss flies high at both TWN as well as behind the yoke of a plane
In our blog series TWN Life we get acquainted with the talented team members at Trinidad Wiseman (TWN) working on different positions. This time, we had a chat with our software developer Taavi Kirss from software development, his other career as a plane pilot, and much else. As always, we also threw in a couple of tricky questions.
What is your formal education and who did you work as prior to joining TWN?
I got my higher education degree from the Estonian Aviation Academy as a pilot and later on, I also got my Master’s degree at the University of Tartu in Entrepreneurship and Technology Management.
I have had a lot of jobs but there has been one constant in my life, which is aviation. In 2017, I ended up working at Nordica’s operations centre by chance and in 2019, I started flying at the same company. Unfortunately, that period is now history. Now, I work at Cityjet and spend a lot of time abroad. The plane is the same as are some of the people.
How did you end up in software development?
I already dabbled in development to some extent before taking it on as a profession. The final push to fully dive into software development came from a force majeure AKA the Covid-19 pandemic and a dash of good luck.
„Since I also work as a pilot, then during Covid I suddenly had a ton of free time because there simply were no flights. Since I don’t like to just sit around and do nothing, then I filled this unexpected vacation time with self-improvement and took on a job at a smaller IT company.“
It seemed like the perfect time for it too since I was hired surprisingly quickly and there was a lot to do. If sometimes it seems like bad news come in waves, then the same can be said of good news. A month after I had started at my new position, I was sent out to fly again and at the same time, I also managed to start studying IT systems development for a semester at TalTech.
While I do not have a diploma from TalTech right now, I am filling in any gaps in my education by doing web-based courses whenever I’m able to. And I can see that even if one has a diploma, there is always a constant need to improve oneself.
What are your tasks and favourite projects at TWN?
I have now been working as a software developer at TWN for two years. The focus of my daily work is on front-end development, initially working with React.js and now with Next.js.
The projects and people change over time, though some experiences have been better than others. My first project was eProspera, which was awesome! It was very cool to be able to build something akin to an e-country along with a team that worked together fantastically well.
At TWN, we value flexibility and versatility—offering opportunities to combine different career paths and foster personal growth. If you're interested in front-end development and would like to join our team, take a look at our job openings. Your next exciting challenge might be waiting for you here.
How does TWN differ from other companies?
The biggest pro of TWN in my opinion is the fact that the company doesn’t prohibit you from doing other work as well. I can easily combine flying and developing. And it seems to me that that is still a fairly rare thing to find in Estonia.
I know of one other cool company like that but in a different sector. I think that developing different skills in yourself is beneficial to all parties and it should be something that is encouraged more. You never know when you might just need someone with such a particular skillset.
“TWN allows you to find your own ways of working and getting things done as long as they are done properly and thoroughly.”
What other skills would you like to acquire?
My biggest fear regarding my current job is to one day discover that it has become a comfort zone for me, which would also mean that I have fallen off the rails. Of course, this can be prevented by taking on a versatile selection of projects and by working on side projects in my spare time as well.
I would especially love to work on some kind of an artificial intelligence project and to force myself to learn new things or to develop past skills, such as Python, during the work itself.
What kind of global processes do you think will affect our field of business the most in five years’ time? What should be the next development implemented at TWN?
I think that in the next five years, the focus will shift more towards the defence industry and internal security, which may even be inevitable considering the current situation. And at the same time, we have no idea right now what else may derive from that.
I believe that an increasing number of people will be connected to military projects in one way or another, whether through their job or hobby. As a reservist myself, I am also very interested in seeing projects like that come to life. I believe that TWN has the competency to provide a significant contribution to such development projects.
“TWN should have the ability to, for example, support the development of a local drone force. The hardware parts can be left to the mechanically inclined, but right now, the extremely important thing is the code running between the parts. Projects like that would serve us all well. As a reservist, I would actually work on something like that for myself.”
What do you do in your spare time? What are your hobbies?
Does an event that only takes place once annually count? During the summer, I go on a hike in the Alps on a specific hiking trail. If I keep up my current pace, then I should be able to finally complete this trail in five years. This year, I’ll be bringing my kids along as well. So far, we have been having them practise on the RMK (the State Forest Management Centre) trails.
Other than that, I also like to do long-distance running and strength training, which also have a purpose. This year, I plan to run a half marathon in difficult conditions in the Alps.
How do you relax to get your mind off work?
Simple things generally work the best. Building a snow fort with my kids is a perfect example. Or hiking in the forest or the mountains. Fresh air and nature help to take away all worries and to recharge.
Which travel destination would you recommend to your colleagues and why?
My other work revolves around travelling. Though I think those are actually called business trips… I have seen quite a bit but there is always more to discover. In cities, I prefer visiting different museums. But I actually prefer visiting smaller places and the local nature to foreign cities.
I would definitely recommend the Laugavegur hiking trail in Iceland, which takes you down the mountains towards the coast. The massive shapes of the Eyjafjallajökull and Katla volcanoes that awaits at the end of the trail is a sight you will never forget. The endless ash fields, the rock deposits covered in moss, the constant sharp cutting wind, and the awe-inspiring volcanoes on top of it all.
It’s a slightly extraterrestrial experience and a little nerve-wracking if the guide then mentions that by the way, they’re expecting another eruption soon and the nearest safe place in case of an eruption is 10km away.
I would also recommend the Adlerweg hiking trail in Austria where you can directly experience the Alps and the local lifestyle as well as test your physique on the cliffs. There is more civilization, the sights are more diverse, there is less wind, and you just may see snow in July.

What would you do if you had enough money to never have to work again?
I would hike in nature with my family, grow cucumbers and tomatoes, do charity work and emergency flights, and develop new unmanned aerial vehicles.
“Life always needs to have balance, there must be enough zen activities as well as a healthy dose of adrenaline to keep yourself sharp. I could not lounge at a beach for more than half an hour.”
If you could go to Mars tomorrow, would you and why?
No, because it seems like a boring destination. Or if I did, then only for a moment so I could check it off a list. I would be much more interested in working on the aircraft necessary to go there.
Give us an idea for a cool team event?
I’d love a team event where we would all go skydiving. Just before you dive, while you are standing at the plane door, all problems and worries seem so insignificant. And afterwards, everyone would have a cool adventure story to tell while relaxing in the sauna.